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VMware Licensing Shakeup: Impact on Educational Institutions and Potential Solutions

Traditionally, educational institutions have benefited from significant discounts on VMware software through perpetual licensing. However, a recent shift towards a subscription-based model could have a significant impact on budgets and future IT strategies.

Don’t gamble with your business security

In this digitally driven age, cyber threats are more sophisticated than ever, exploiting vulnerabilities in IT networks to unleash havoc. The absence of advanced cybersecurity measures leaves businesses susceptible to ransomware attacks, phishing schemes and other malicious activities that can cripple operations, compromise sensitive information, and essentially bring a business to its knees.

The importance of paying attention to cyber security threats

Cyber criminals have adapted their tactics to meet the advancements in technology. Organisations of all sizes now must place greater emphasis on their cyber security. It has become more important than ever to remain vigilant in protecting your sensitive information and digital assets from cyber security threats.

Here’s why you should integrate a cloud phone solution into your communications strategy

Why integrate a cloud phone solution into your communications strategy? To help you see the benefits, the team at Zoom share a few reasons why you should consider adding a cloud phone solution into your communications strategy.

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