The Ultimate Security Checklist For Remote Working From Home

Working from home has unique challenges across technology, cybersecurity, communication and connectivity. Many of us have started to realise this over the last few weeks, as we get accustomed to this new norm. CodeBlue is here to support Australian businesses during these challenging times and provide the necessary tools and services to maintain business as usual as much as possible. As a good starting point, below is a 4-point work from home checklist which you can leverage to maintain secure work practices and keep company data secure.

1. Staff are leveraging the right technology

Working from home needs to be a productive working environment and across departments and roles, people’s requirements can vary. It’s important that staff have the right technology for their specific needs as it’s directly linked to people’s effectiveness and peace of mind. Some staff may want to work with the devices they have at home, but if this is the case, first you must assess if these devices have the necessary security components in place to protect business data and applications. Our recommendation is that staff only use company-provided and maintained devices and that these are not used by other family members. The use of home computers should be a last resort and should only be used if up-to-date endpoint protection is in place, the computer has the latest updates and access to your company network is via a secure gateway. If usage is confined to company-provided devices, appropriate security measures can be maintained to protect critical data, and the health and performance of each device can be monitored to maintain productivity.

2. Security protocols are being followed

There has been several reports and stories of COVID-19 specific phishing scams and attempts to capitalise on the public’s thirst for information. It’s important that all staff working remotely are approaching emails and websites in the same manner they would if they were still in the office. With so many things to focus on, the last thing you want is to be dealing with a security breach. Ensure staff are only clicking on links they completely trust, visiting websites they know are legitimate, and accessing data and applications from up-to-date and secure devices.

If some staff may be unaware of these threats it doesn’t hurt to run virtual learning and awareness workshops to help staff recognise potential threats.

3. Regular updates and patching are being executed

The threat landscape is ever-evolving, and no less so than during this COVID-19 crisis, it’s important that you have visibility across each device that your team is using. Only with good visibility, can you ensure that they’re up-to-date with the latest security patches and endpoint security to combat cyber threats, and to ensure that they’re operating efficiently.

4. Staff can effectively collaborate

Very few tasks these days are performed by one person. The key to productive work practices often hinges on streamlined collaboration and communication. Ensure your staff all have access to collaboration tools, where they can share information and ideas, and work together in a constructive and secure manner. There are several video conferencing applications available in the market, and several providers who are making these available at reduced cost or free for a period, in recognition of the changes in working practices that COVID-19 has placed on us all.

At CodeBlue, we understand these are challenging times for us all. If you need support or assistance with providing your staff with the right technology, security support or connectivity infrastructure, please contact us.