Six ways to boost cyber security for your wireless network

Your business depends on the information shared and stored within your wireless network. For this reason, effective cyber security for your business’ wireless network must be one of your top priorities. In today’s digital landscape, however, with increasingly sophisticated threats having taken many different forms, network security requires more time, energy, and awareness. Here are six ways you can improve your wireless business network’s cyber security.

1. Audit and map your network access points

Protecting your network begins with knowing your network. Conduct regular auditing and mapping of your wireless network to ensure a thorough understanding of its infrastructure, model information, and configuration data across all cabling, firewalls, routers, and switches. Be aware of every access point. The point is to know where your biggest weaknesses are so that you can work to address them.

2. Keep up to date with updates

In today’s digital landscape, new innovations are arriving constantly, and the race to stay in front of rapidly developing IT threats is a frantic one. IT software and cloud services offer frequent updates to make sure your network is current and equipped to protect against the latest threats. Update notifications and emails may seem like a nuisance, but it pays to pay attention to them.

3. Use MAC address filtering

MAC filtering assigns a 48-bit address to each computer to determine whether it has permission to access a network. This precaution doesn’t necessarily offer a wealth of protection against external threats but can reduce the risk of a security breach, either deliberate or accidental, from occurring internally. MAC filtering will also provide greater control over the devices connected to your network.

4. Remember your network’s physical security

It’s easy to become preoccupied by the exotic risks of hackers and firewall breaches, forgetting that sometimes the simplest vulnerabilities are the most dangerous. Be aware of the physical access points in your network, such as Ethernet ports, printers and routers, where someone could simply plug in. Network security can sometimes be as broad as building security; knowing who can enter your building and access physical points of entry into your network.

5. Implement a robust authentication solution

Protect your business’ wireless network with a strong authentication solution that works by securely validating the identities of users and devices that access the non-public areas of your network. Relying on passwords alone can be innocuous and poor password controls can pose a serious vulnerability in your network security.

6. Store your backup data in the cloud

One effective way to preserve access to your business information is to back it up beyond your on-site IT infrastructure. The cloud offers heightened security and access control for your information, keeping it safe from hacks, breaches, and system crashes within your wireless business network. The cloud offers a rapid retrieval option for duplicate data, improving the flexibility and scalability of your business while also easing the burden on your network.

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